Version 3.01
Leading-Edge Features
Special Features
Special Analysis Features
Ordinary Features
Additional Features
Fast Repeat (LTD) Sweep Stimulation with No Time Between Sweeps

Sometimes is is useful, particularly when recording long duration EPSCs during Fast Repeat (LTD) 1 or 2 Hz sweep (and pulse)  stimulation, to record the whole 1000 or 500 msec sweep so as to record all of the EPSC tail current.  

In some data acquisition systems, it is impossible to stimulate and record whole contiguous sweeps (with no time delay between them) because of the time required to save the sweep before starting to acquire and stimulate another sweep.  In WinLTP's multitasking/multithreaded  program, acquisition and stimulation output of the current sweep can procede at the same time as saving of the preceeding sweep.

The figure below shows an example of this contiguous sweep stimulation and acquisition using Fast Repeat Sweep stimulation produced by 4 contiguous 1000 msec long P0sweeps every 1 second.  This was produced by the following Protocol Builder script:

              [X] Loop   [ 4]
                     [X] P0sweep  [ 1]s

The traces in the bottom P0 Sweep Stimulation graph show a 1000 msec duration P0sweep with 1 S0 pulse/sweep and 20 S1 pulses/sweep at 50 msec pulse interval.  The traces in the middle P0 Stimulus Sweep Acquisition graphs shows the recording of the last  1000 msec duration P0sweep showing the one S0 pulse in the AD0 trace and the 20 S1 pulses in the AD1 trace.  The top traces in the Continuous Acquisition graphs show the output recorded for the S0 pulse at 1/sec in the AD0 trace and the S1 pulses at 20/sec in the AD1 trace.