File Structure for LTP 2.4 to WinLTP 2.320 ASCII Sweep Files

1      "LTP_ASF"                   "2.18V"

2      "FileName"                  "06110014.P0"

3      "DateFileSaved"              20000611

4      "TimeFileStarted"            "15:49:50.1"

5      "TimeStartedMidnite_s"       56990.1

6      "AttachedFileName"           ""

7      "AttachedFileType"           ""


9      "IncVariableName"            ""

10     "IncVariableValue"           0.0

11     "NumSweepsAvgd"              1

12     "IntersweepIntvl_s"          0.0

13     "From_1st_Last_Files"        ""            ""


15     "NumSamples"                2000

16     "SampleInterval_ms"          0.1

17     "Rs_NumSamples"              0

18     "Rs_SampleInterval_ms"       0.0

19     "AD_Chs"                    "AD0"         "AD1"         "AD0_Rs"      "AD1_Rs"

20     "AD_DataType"                "mV"          "mV"

21     "AD_Peak2PeakInput_v"        20.00         20.00

22     "AD_NumBits"                12            12

23     "AD_Gain"                   1000          1000

24     "AD_DigFilter_Hz"            0             0

25     "AD_S0_StimArtBlank_ms"      0.0           0.0

26     "AD_S1_StimArtBlank_ms"      0.0           0.0


28     "RmRs_Stim"                 "IC0_Rm"      "IC1_Rm"      "IC0_Rs"      "IC1_Rs"

29     "RmRsDur_ms"                0.0           0.0

30     "RmRsPreDur_ms"

31     "RmRsPulseAmp_v"


33     "Icell_Epochs" "A"           "B"           "C"           "D"           "E"           "F"

34     "EpochDur_ms"  0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0

35     "IC0_Amp_v"

36     "IC1_Amp_v"

37     "DigOut"


39     "S0_Stim"            "Pulses"

40     "S0_PulseAmp_v"       5.000

41     "S0_PulseDur_ms"      0.1

42     "S0_PrePulseDur_ms"   10.0

43     "S0_NumPulses"        2

44     "S0_PulseIntvl_ms"    50.0

45     ""

46     ""

47     ""

48     ""

49     ""


51     "S1_Stim"            "Pulses"

52     "S1_PulseAmp_v"       5.000

53     "S1_PulseDur_ms"      0.1

54     "S1_PrePulseDur_ms"   100.0

55     "S1_NumPulses"        2

56     "S1_PulseIntvl_ms"    50.0

57     ""

58     ""

59     ""

60     ""

61     ""


63     "AD0"  "AD1"

64     "mV"   "mV"

65     0.6396 0.8398

66     0.5957 0.9619

The new file structure of LTP 2.4 to WinLTP 2.32.  The header is 64 lines long, the first 26 lines are acquisition information, and lines 27 to 61 are stimulation information..